Page name: Hermione Granger Fanz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-08 04:05:15
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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WELCOME TO Hermione Granger Fanz


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2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*blushes*oopsMisty:*laughs and say sexily*I like you better like that.

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: well we don't mind^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*smiles*lets go in the bedroom,and...*whispers in Misty's ear*Misty:oh yeah lets.

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione where can me and mia sleep??

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*points to the guest room across the hall while disappearing in the bedroom*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia and hermione disapairs into the guest room*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*do ----------censored---------- for 10 hours without stoping*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mermione and mia*does the same*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*stop after the 10 hours and make out*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and her mione' lays in the bed and giggles*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still making out*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*starts to make out too*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*makeout for 10 hours then stop catch breath and cuddle*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*walks out in the kichen making breakfast

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still cuddling*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia are still making braakfast*
hermione are taking a shower*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*take shower together*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*calls* BREACKFAST ARE REDDY!!!!

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*get dressed and go to the kitchen*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia* smiles*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:thanks for making breakfast.

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles* you're welcome^^
hermione*sits down*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*sit down*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*sits down aswell* i hope you like it^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:ok

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i made everything you can think of so just dig in^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*eat some of everything*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*only eat the pineaple*
hermione eats panlaces*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:Tastey

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*smiles*thanx^^ 'continues to eat the pineaple*

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*eat more*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione *finishing eating and looks at mia*why are you only eating pineaple mia??

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*finish eating*

2006-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm not verry hungry but i love pineaple and i know that i need to eat someting^^

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:that's true.

2006-08-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:so i'm eating pineaple cous i love it^^

2006-08-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:What do you want to do after breakfast?

2006-08-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:take a shower

2006-08-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*wash the dishes and sit on the couch*

2006-08-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*takes hermiones hand and takes her to the bath room and there we takes a shower*

2006-08-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*cuddle on the couch*

2006-08-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*comes cack frome the schower some hours later*.....

2006-08-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still cuddling on the couch*

2006-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: what should we do now???

2006-08-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:I don't know

2006-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:oh...ok....

2006-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:What do you want to do?

2006-08-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: can we take a walk????

2006-08-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:sure.

2006-08-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: YAY!!!

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*open the door and walk outside*Lock the door when you come out.

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mian and hermione* walks out then hold echothers hands*

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*walk while holding hands*

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mian and hermione*continues to walk*

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*continue to walk*

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*suddenly stops*

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*turn around*Misty:Is something wrong mia?

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*shakes head*

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,do you wanna go watch fireworks tonight?

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*slowly nods*
hermione: yuo do remember that mia don't like loud sounds don't you???

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:oh,I forgot,we could go ice skating.

2006-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:in the summer???
mia: i want to see the fireworks^^

2006-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,we can see the fireworks if you really want to.

2006-08-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i don't like loud sounds like thunder and ppls banging doors and stuff like that but fireworks are ok....well i'm a bit scared but it's so beautyfull.....

2006-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:yeah,ok lets go.Misty and Ed:*walk to the park to see the fireworks*

2006-08-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*walks beside ed and misty*

2006-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Fireworks:*start*Misty and Ed:*watch*

2006-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*are still holding hands while watching*

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*watch while holding hands*

2006-08-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*sitts down and watches*

2006-08-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*kiss*

2006-08-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione *makes out*

2006-08-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*make out*

2006-08-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*continues*

2006-08-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*continues*

2006-08-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione *stops and mia passes out*

hermione: i think that mia fell asleep....

2006-08-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*stop*huh?Misty:*checks her pulse*hmmmmmmmmm...she has a pulse,maybe we should take her home.

2006-08-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*puls a blanket and a pillow out of nowhere* no let her sleep for a while shell be ok^^

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione* holds mia in her arms*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*hug*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*stands up with mia still in her arms*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:Where you going?

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm starting to freez....maybe we should go home....

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:ok*walk home*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione *carries mia with her home*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*holds the door open for Misty,Hermione,and Mia*Misty:thanks honey.

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: thanx ed^^

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:No problem.Misty:*smiles*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: where to put down mia??

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: You could put her on the couch.

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:ok^^*puts mia on the couch*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*go to the bedroom*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *hermione falls asleep beside mia*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*fall asleep*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia and hermione:are sleeping*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are sleeping*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia*are still sleeping*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Ed:*are still sleeping*Something or someone:*makes a very lound noise in the basement*Misty and Ed:*wake up*What was that?*go downstairs to wake up Mia and Hermione*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione *are alreddy awake*
mia*looks really scared*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:go check it Ed.Ed:ok*goes to the basement*the thing:*screams and runs toward th living room where Mia,Hermione and Misty are*Ed:Stop! thing:*comes in and attacks Misty*don't come any closer or I'll kill her.Misty:*is scared*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *are hiding*
hermione*casts a spell without saying a word*

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: the person:*isn't affected*nice try witch.Misty:*is scared*the person:*takes Misty to the door*follow and she dies*goes out the door*

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: what to do what to do??

2006-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and the person:*are gone*Ed:Hermione,call the police,tell them Misty has been kidnapped.

2006-08-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*nods then runs and phones the polise and the minestery of magic* they're on ther way and i did call teh minestery of magic too.... just to be on the safe side...

2006-08-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:Where are we?Person:my hideout.Misty:Who are you?Person:*whispers in Misty's ear*

2006-08-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: minestery of magic and the police:*are looking for misty*

2006-08-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*gasps*so you are...person:*nods*Misty:and I am...person:*nod*Misty:why?person:it is your destanee(sp)Misty:*faints*person:*puts Misty in a bed*

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i want to find misty.....

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*is still out cold*person:*is cooking breakfast for Misty*

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i think i know who the person that took misty is....

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*wakes up and sees the person sitting on her bed with a tray of food*person:here,I made you breakfast.*hands Misty the tray*Misty:thanks*eats it,then goes to the bathroom*

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: who is it??

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*thinks to her self*I forgot I can talk to people through my mind.*looks around the room and doesn't see him**talks to Mia with my mind*Mia?Mia are you there it's Misty.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *answers misty*yes i am misty what's wrong and where are you???

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*talks back in her mind*I'm ok,I don't know where I am he blindfoled me.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*talks back in her mind*so who is it???

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*talks back*It's Gaara.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*talks to misty with telekenesy* ok... i'll talk with the others ifit's ok.....and we'll se what we can do

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*talks back*ok,cool please hurry he's coming back.Whereever mia is:Ed:Mia,did you here me?

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *to misty in her mind* ok i'll tell the others right away*

mia to ed: i know who it was that took misty

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:REALLY?!WHO?!

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: *nods* it's gaara

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:Who?

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:gaara you know frome naruto

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:oh,where is she?

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:she don't know cous he blindfoled her....

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:oh,well ask her if she can look out a window and if she can see anything that will stand out if we look for her.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *nods* if she wants to talk to me that is *talks to mist in my mind* misty are there a window that you can look out and see if there aresomething that we can look for if we tries to find you??

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where ever the person took Misty:Misty:*talks back*Yes,let me look.*looks out the window*There is a brown house outside,it say 205 there is also a street sign it says Maple road.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *talks back*ok i'll tell ed

mia: ed misty can see a brown house with the numbler 205 and a sign where you can read marple road

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:I know where that is,lets jup in the car.

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione: ok let's go^^

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*gets in the car and drives off after Mia and Hermione get in,and drives to maple road*

2006-09-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*contacts misti with ther mind* misty we're on our way

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whereever Misty was taken:Misty:ok,hurryGaara:What are you doing?Misty:nothing.Gaara:Don't lie to me.*punches Misty in the face,then leaves*Misty:Mia,he hit me,Gaara hit me.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:he'll get back when we arives

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whereever Misty was taken:Misty:Ok,don't tell Ed,he'll kill Gaara,I don't want him to kill any one.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i won't i promiss

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whereever Misty was taken:Misty:ok,thanks.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you're welcome

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whereever Misty was taken:Gaara:*returns*What were you doing?Misty:daydreaming.Gaara:lyer you were talking to someone,who?Misty:no one,I was talking to no one.Gaara:lyer*punches you again,then slaps you,then kicks you,then punches,slaps,and kicks you 10 more times,then leaves again*Misty:*is in pain,but manages to talk to Mia again,Mia,Gaara beat me up,Ow I'm in pain tell Ed to hurry if he asks why tell him.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:are you ok??? i'll tell him i promiss

mia: ed hurry up we have to get to misty really soon

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'm fine,just hurry.Ed:Why,what's wrong?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:just hurry up.....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok*speeds up*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks worried*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:what's wrong Mia?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: it's nothing.....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:misty i just couldn't tell ed what happened.....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:ok,don't tell him,I have to go he is coming.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ok we'll see ya later....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wherever Gaara took Misty:Gaara:ok,tell me who you were talking to.Misty:ok,I was talking to Mia,but I don't know where I am so don't worry.Gaara:ok,I'm sorry for hitting you.*hugs Misty close to me*Misty:it's ok.Mia,he apologized to me,and now he is hugging me,don't tell Ed.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ok i won't

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok we're here,let's park a block away then walk to the place.*parks the car a block away and gets out*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ok

hermione: are yuo sure that this is the right place??

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:yeah,it's maple lane.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*nods* hermione: ok then we just hae to find the right place now^^

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok,what number was it Mia?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: it was marple lain 205

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok,let's go.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:ok

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*walks to 205*ok is it this one or the one accross the street?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia *are holding hermiones hand*: the one across the street..... she saw this hous from the window she told me that....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok*walks to the one accross the street*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*walks after ed*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:do we just go in?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:i'll ask misty *to misty* misty can we come in now???

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*is asleep,but says in her sleep in her mind*Yes,we are both asleep.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: it's ok misty are asleep

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:ok*opens the door,and walks into the house*Ok,look for Misty.Misty:*is asleep on the bed with Gaara's arms wraped around her*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*finds misty and wakes her up* misty misty wake up....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*wakes up,but is still lying there*Mia?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:hurry upp before ed comes and find you and gaara like that....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Huh?*realizes that Gaara's arms are around me.*Ed:*walks in to see Misty in another guys arms*WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!Misty:*gets up,and knocks Gaara to the floor*Gaara:Ouch.Misty:It's not what it looks like.Ed:IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE ASLEEP IN ANOTHER MAN'S ARMS!!Misty:Ok,it is what it looks like,but it means nothing,I love you.Ed:YOU WERE ASLEEP IN ANOTHER MAN's ARMS,HOW DO I KNOW THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH HIM?!Misty:Mia,I diddn't do anything,please help him calm down.Ed:ANSWER ME!

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: ed gaara forsed misty to do that.....i didn't want you to get upset so i didn't tell you i'm's all my foult i shouls have told you.... gaara even hit misty but he did apolegise......

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:WHAT?!He hit you?!Misty:Yes.Ed:*sigh*I'm sorry,I lost control.*hugs Misty*Misty:*hugs Ed*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*sitts down*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:*yankes Misty away*It is her destany.Ed:What are you talking about?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*listenes*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:Misty,you didn't tell Mia?Misty:*looks ashamed*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: no she didn't....

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:then I'll tell you.Misty:please don't tell them.Gaara:they have to know.*ties Misty to a chair and tapes her mouth shut*You want to know,right?

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm not sure......*mia to misty* is it something dangerous or something really terrible???

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*misty to mia*I can't tell you,it'll be better if he does.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *mia to misty* ok then i'll say that it's ok that he tell us.....

mia:ok gaara tell us

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:her destany is to marry me.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: no way

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:WHAT?!Misty,Is this true?*takes the tape from her mouth*Misty:*nods*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia.......

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:but,what,why?Gaara:it is her destany.Misty:Ed,I'm sorry.Gaara:as it is my destany to do what I'm about to do.*stabs Ed in the stomach,twists the knife and pulls it out*Misty:Ed!Mia,UNTIE ME QUICK!!

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*does what misty whant me to do'

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*runs to Ed*ED!Ed:Misty,I love you.Misty:I love you too,Ed.Ed:Don't forget me.*dies*Misty:I won't.*cries while hugging Ed to her*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*revives ed*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ed:*doesn't come back*

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*tries again and again and again*

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:he won't come back,it was his destany,you can't change destany.

2006-09-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*says sadly*yes you can......i changed my desteny.....

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